Thursday, December 27, 2007


As I mentioned before, my initial articles on our blogs were long and frequently complex. Therefore, I want to remind all readers that I revised and shortened all the columns for your ease of readings. I also modified the headings as I belief that total cholesterol calculations are more accurate than the words “normal values.”

When you get your cholesterol checked at your Doctors, you may get ratings for Total, LDL and HDL, without a clear understanding of what it means or differences between Total, LDL and HDL cholesterol. You enjoy a relatively low risk of coronary heart disease, if your total blood cholesterol scores below 200 mg/dL and the LDL, HDL and triglyceride levels are also at desirable levels. All this assumes you have no other risk factors for heart disease such as smoking, high blood pressure, stress or poor eating habits.

If your Total Cholesterol calculation for Blood (or Serum) Level is between 200–239 mg/dL, then your Total cholesterol is Borderline to High Risk. If this is the case, then ask your doctor to evaluate your levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol, HDL (good) cholesterol and triglycerides. It is possible to have borderline-high total cholesterol numbers and still have normal levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol balanced by high levels of HDL (good) cholesterol.

If your Total Cholesterol calculation for Blood (or Serum) Level is 240 mg/dL and over, this is a High Risk. People who have a total cholesterol level of 240 mg/dL or more typically have twice the risk of coronary heart disease as people whose cholesterol level is desirable (200 mg/dL). I recommend further testing. There are several ways to order this testing. If your test didn’t show your LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triglycerides, your doctor should order a fasting profile. It is prudent to rule out any effects from your eating.

I found it interesting to learn about the proven correlation between HDL and Alzheimer’s. If you have Alzheimer’s in your family, consider this justification for monitoring your HDL and taking preventative action such as using natural cholesterol lowering products. Two of our websites have information on a new product called NuCardio. The sites are: and Both sites recommend getting the testing before taking the products. Having your total cholesterol calculations is a wise piece of information.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


The BAD ones

Initially, we wrote one article about Total, HDL and LDL Cholesterol. After reviewing the publication we realized it needed modification. Hence, due to the complexity of this article we decided to break it down into three articles, (1)total cholesterol normal values, (2)HDL cholesterol levels and now (3)lowering LDL cholesterol. All three have desirable levels. When you lower your LDL cholesterol, you lower your risk of heart attack and stroke. In fact, it's a better gauge of risk than total blood cholesterol. Generally, LDL levels fall into these categories:

Less than 100 mg/dL


100 to 129 mg/dL

Near Optimal/ Above Optimal

130 to 159 mg/dL

Borderline High

160 to 189 mg/dL


190 mg/dL and above

Very High

It is important to remember that each body functions in its own way. A healthy level for you may not be healthy for your friend or neighbour. Discuss your levels and your treatment options with your doctor or health care provider to develop a plan unique to you. Your other risk factors for heart disease and stroke help determine what your LDL level should be, as well as the appropriate treatment for you.

If you are feeling smug because you have low LDL Cholesterol levels, it is still smart to eat a heart-healthy diet, get regular physical activity, avoid tobacco smoke and stress. Have your cholesterol levels checked every five years or as your doctor recommends.

Key points for managing good cholesterol levels are:

· Work with your doctor to create a prevention and treatment plan that's right for you.

· Make lifestyle changes, including eating a heart-healthy diet, getting regular activity, and avoid tobacco smoke.

· Ask your doctor how often you should have your cholesterol rechecked. If you have LDL (bad) cholesterol, you may also need medication.

· Become informed.

· Check out alternatives.

The number one person in control of your health is you. The Medical industry offers you the testing for total cholesterol as well as HDL and LDL. They provide tradition methods of lowering your LDL cholesterol. There are many NATURAL alternatives and remedies available today. I came across a new, FDA approved product that gives a safe alternative. Learning about this product allows you to ask informed questions. Go to our website if you have questions or comments for us. It is or

Sunday, December 23, 2007


The Good ones

In the article about Total Cholesterol Normal Values, we explained why we modified the original column, dividing it into several sections. We discussed Total Cholesterol normal values and its importance but that is only one third of the puzzle. This section covers the HDL Cholesterol levels and why it is important to keep the HDL level as high as possible.

When you are grading the HDL in the body, the higher levels are better. Low HDL cholesterol puts you at higher risk for heart disease. This is less than 40 mg/dL for men and less than 50 mg/dL for women.

In the average man, HDL cholesterol levels range from 40 to 50 mg/dL. For the average woman, they range from 50 to 60 mg/dL. An HDL cholesterol of 60 mg/dL or higher offers some protection against heart disease.

Of course other bad habits affect our health. Smoking, being overweight and being sedentary can all result in lower HDL cholesterol. People with high blood triglycerides usually also have lower HDL cholesterol and a higher risk of heart attack and stroke. Progesterone, anabolic steroids and male sex hormones (testosterone) also lower HDL cholesterol levels. Female sex hormones raise HDL cholesterol levels.

The key point for managing total cholesterol, including LDL and HDL cholesterol levels is lifestyle changes. This includes eating a heart-healthy diet, getting regular activity (30-60 minutes per day), and avoiding tobacco smoke. It is important to work with your doctor to create a prevention and treatment plan that's right for you.

It is up to the individual to make the necessary changes to continue staying healthy. The Medical industry gives you the testing for total cholesterol as well as HDL and LDL. If the ratings are NOT what you desire, you can then search out NATURAL alternatives and remedies. I came across a new, FDA approved product that gives a safe alternative. Gathering information on alternatives always allows you to ask informed questions. Go to our website if you have questions or comments for us. For more information on a natural alternative, also go to our website:

Friday, December 21, 2007

Total Cholesterol Normal Values

Previously, we published a long article about cholesterol on our blog – “Cardinal Comments” When we realized just how long it was we compressed the information and created multiple columns. Total Cholesterol, Normal Values is one of these.

Can you answer the question: “What is the difference between Total Cholesterol, High Density and Low Density?”

Health and medical officials and literature talk individually about HDL – high density, and LDL – low density but do they talk about Total Cholesterol? Usually, your Doctor tells you whether your scores are “normal” or not. Hearing that you conform to the Total Cholesterol Normal Value scales brings you a brief sense of relief. Normal is open to such a varying interpretation. If you want to manage your health, then you need to know and understand your total cholesterol.

Your Total Cholesterol consists of these two scores, HDL and LDL. Although there are two different scales used in the world, the majority of articles refer to the popular one from the United States and Europe. Before you can understand anything, you first need a cholesterol check.

Sometimes your Doctor orders a fasting blood test. This produces accurate results for all three, TOTAL, LDL and HDL. But the fasting is not necessary for total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol testing. What you eat affects the amount of LDL (bad) cholesterol level and triglycerides in your body. For this reason, a LDL test MUST be done on an empty stomach.

No, you cannot subtract the HDL from the total cholesterol!

For detailed information about HDL-bound cholesterol, I recommend the article on “HDL Cholesterol.”

Total Cholesterol Normal Values change with many of our lifestyle habits. For example -- how old are you? What is your family history? Do you smoke or do you have high blood pressure? What are your eating habits? Are you under stress?

If your Total Cholesterol, Blood (or Serum) Level, is less than 200 mg/dL, then this is the Desirable rating for your total cholesterol normal value. In another article, I will talk more about Cholesterol and what you can do about it. If you cannot wait, then check out one of our many websites: or

Friday, November 30, 2007

Cardiovascular Disease and a safe solution

For those of you who read our articles or visit our websites, FolkHerbWisdom or Wholistic Living will understandand appreciate our passion for safe solutions for our health.

As an aside, the world "wholistic" is spelled correctly according to Canadian guidelines.

Recently we discovered a new product to help bring our total cholesterol levels down. For more information, I recommend that you visit the Nutronix International Product Page. There is scientific and comprehensive information available here. I do want to add, this product is FDA approved. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death not only in the United States but in the world. Every thirty seconds someone in the United States dies of cardiovascular disease; usually in the form of a heart attack. That’s 3,500 people every day! What’s even more astounding is almost all heart attacks are preventable.

NuCardio is the only natural, safe, and clinically proven product of its type to effectively combat this insidious disease by addressing the leading cause of heart attacks – high cholesterol.

Health officials estimate that more than 50 percent of all adults have unhealthy levels of cholesterol and 42 million adults have dangerously high levels.

Cholesterol is a wax-like substance that, over time, forms a plaque on the inside of the artery. For most people there are no signs or symptoms that this plaque is building up, which is why it is called the silent killer. Unfortunately, for millions of people each year, this plaque buildup ruptures, resulting in a blocking of blood flow. If the blood flow going to the brain is blocked, it is called a stroke. If the flow to the heart is blocked it is called a heart attack.

High cholesterol does not cause any noticeable symptoms. Often times the first sign you have a problem is either a heart attack or death.

Lower cholesterol level and you lower your risk of a heart attack.

Statin Drugs vs. NuCardio

The drugs used by doctors to treat high cholesterol are called statin medications and come with a long list of well-documented side effects. In fact, it is estimated that over 25% of the population cannot take statin medications because of their potential side effects.

Today billions of dollars are being spent by pharmaceutical drug companies to market statin medications, illustrating the size of this market. Because of the magnitude of the heart disease epidemic, the statin medications market is expected to exceed $30 billion in sales this year.

How many people do you believe would prefer a natural alternative to chemical medications? What if you had exclusive marketing rights to the only safe, natural alternative to statin medications?

Without question NuCardio is the most effective, all-natural alternative to statin medications for helping people reach and maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Not only is it equally effective as statins at lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol, it is also three times more effective at raising HDL (good) cholesterol.


NuCardio is a unique formula of naturally derived ingredients. When taken as a drink, NuCardio forms a fiber matrix in the digestive system. This fiber matrix envelops nutrients and sugars as they are consumed, releasing them to the body at a natural rate. This revolutionary breakthrough provides the following health benefits:

• Ingredients are clinically proven to reduce bad (LDL) cholesterol
• Eliminates energy spikes and crashes
• Aids in weight management
• Promotes healthy digestive function
• Strengthens the immune system
• Decreases triglyceride levels
• Cleanses the colon

Cholesterol Management

NuCardio combines four effective approaches to lowering harmful cholesterol:

1. Helps to block re-absorption of cholesterol in the intestinal tract.

2. Helps to block absorption of cholesterol which comes directly from food after digestion.

3. Reduces the cholesterol produced by the liver.

4. Enhances enzymatic breakdown and removal of bad cholesterol.

NuCardio lowers serum cholesterol by reducing the absorption and production of dietary cholesterol.

NuCardio can reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) by up to 35% in only eight weeks. It improves good cholesterol levels (HDL) by an average 29% in the same eight weeks. It also reduces triglyceride levels an average of 40%. There is no known clinically proven drug or natural product in the world that offers these three combined benefits to help reduce one’s risk of cardiovascular disease. Unlike prescription drugs, NuCardio is a true cholesterol optimization product.



Information and a solution!

Health and medical officials and literature talk individually about HDL – high density, and LDL – low density but do they talk about Total Cholesterol? Usually, your Doctor tells you whether your scores are “normal” or not. This only provides you a brief sense of relief. Normal is open to such a varying interpretation. If you want to manage your health, then you need to know and understand your total cholesterol.

As I mentioned earlier, your Total Cholesterol consists of these two scores, HDL and LDL. There are two different scales, one common in the United States and Europe and another in Canada. The majority of articles utilizes the US and Europe so we will use it. Step #one is to get your cholesterol checked.

Sometimes your Doctor orders a fasting blood test. If not then only the values for total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol will be usable.

No, you cannot subtract the HDL from the total cholesterol!

Logically, the reason why the LDL is invalid is because what you consume affects the amount of LDL (bad) cholesterol level and triglycerides in your body.

HDL-bound cholesterol also called "good cholesterol", or HDL-C. HDL-C picks up cholesterol, carrying it internally from the cells.

Epidemiological studies have shown that high concentrations of HDL (over 60 mg/dL) have protective value against cardiovascular diseases such as ischemic stroke (lack of blood supply) and myocardial infarction or heart attack. These attacks occur when the blood supply to a part of the heart is interrupted. Low concentrations of HDL (below 40 mg/dL for men, below 50 mg/dL for women) are a positive risk factor for these atherosclerosis diseases.

Before considering these concentration figures, ask yourself what risk factors you may have. For example -- how old are you? What is your family history? Do you smoke or do you have high blood pressure? What are your eating habits? Are you under stress?

If your Total Cholesterol, Blood (or Serum) Level is less than 200 mg/dL, then this is Desirable.

If your LDL, HDL and triglyceride levels are also at desirable levels and you have no other risk factors for heart disease, then total blood cholesterol below 200 mg/dL puts you at relatively low risk of coronary heart disease.

If your Total Cholesterol, Blood (or Serum) Level is between 200–239 mg/dL, then your Total cholesterol is Borderline to High Risk

If this is the case, then ask your doctor to evaluate your levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol, HDL (good) cholesterol and triglycerides. It's possible to have borderline-high total cholesterol numbers with normal levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol balanced by high HDL (good) cholesterol.

If your Total Cholesterol, Blood (or Serum) Level is 240 mg/dL and over, this is a High Risk

People who have a total cholesterol level of 240 mg/dL or more typically have twice the risk of coronary heart disease as people whose cholesterol level is desirable (200 mg/dL). There is also a proven correlation between HDL and Alzheimer’s. If your test didn’t show your LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triglycerides, your doctor should order a fasting profile.


Your HDL (Good) Cholesterol Level

With HDL (good) cholesterol, higher levels are better. Low HDL cholesterol (less than 40 mg/dL for men, less than 50 mg/dL for women) puts you at higher risk for heart disease. In the average man, HDL cholesterol levels range from 40 to 50 mg/dL. In the average woman, they range from 50 to 60 mg/dL. An HDL cholesterol of 60 mg/dL or higher gives some protection against heart disease.

Smoking, being overweight and being sedentary can all result in lower HDL cholesterol. To raise your HDL level, avoid tobacco smoke, maintain a healthy weight and get at least 30–60 minutes of physical activity at least three times a week.

People with high blood triglycerides usually also have lower HDL cholesterol and a higher risk of heart attack and stroke. Progesterone, anabolic steroids and male sex hormones (testosterone) also lower HDL cholesterol levels. Female sex hormones raise HDL cholesterol levels.

Your LDL (Bad) Cholesterol Level

The lower your LDL cholesterol, the lower your risk of heart attack and stroke. In fact, it's a better gauge of risk than total blood cholesterol. In general, LDL levels fall into these categories:

LDL Cholesterol Levels

Less than 100 mg/dL


100 to 129 mg/dL

Near Optimal/ Above Optimal

130 to 159 mg/dL

Borderline High

160 to 189 mg/dL


190 mg/dL and above

Very High

Your other risk factors for heart disease and stroke help determine what your LDL level should be, as well as the appropriate treatment for you. A healthy level for you may not be healthy for your friend or neighbour. Discuss your levels and your treatment options with your doctor to get the plan that works for you.

Even with a low risk, however, it’s still smart to eat a heart-healthy diet, get regular physical activity, and avoid tobacco smoke. Have your cholesterol levels checked every five years or as your doctor recommends.

Key points for managing total cholesterol are working with your doctor to create a prevention and treatment plan that's right for you. Make lifestyle changes, including eating a heart-healthy diet, getting regular activity, and avoid tobacco smoke.

If you have LDL (bad) cholesterol, you may also need medication. Ask your doctor how often you should have your cholesterol rechecked.

Regardless of whether your total cholesterol is good, marginal or bad, it is important to work with your doctor creating a prevention and treatment plan that's right for you. Make the necessary changes to continue staying healthy.

Throughout this article, I point out the need to work with the medical profession. However, I do want to stress that you are still in control of your health. The Medical industry gives you the testing for total cholesterol as well as HDL and LDL. If the ratings are NOT what you desire, you can then search out NATURAL alternatives and remedies. For information, click on the SOLUTIONS or go to .

If you have any comments, please send me an email at

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Where do you stand...Should we drink raw milk?

Recently I came across an article in a magazine referring to a news item in the August 8, 2007 issue in New York Times - "Should this milk be legal?". I am reasonably health conscious and stopped drinking milk a few years ago. This brought back memories and concerns. It may be an old debate but I believe it is time to revisit it.

Raw milk debate .
Before WWII, we could all buy fresh, raw, whole milk, real buttermilk, luscious, naturally yellow butter, fresh farm cheeses in various colours and thicknesses. Today's processed milk is accused of causing everything from allergies to heart disease, but back when we could buy these items, these diseases were rare. In fact, a supply of high quality dairy products were considered vital to our health security and the economic well being of us all.
Here are a few excepts from a New York Times article in August, 2007:--
---While its sale for human consumption is illegal in 15 states, New York is one of 26 where it can be bought with restrictions. The chief one is that raw milk can only be sold on the premises of one of 19 dairy farms approved by the state.
---Some drink it for the same reason raw milk cheeses are popular: the taste. “I first discovered it two summers ago in France,” said Mr. Milgrom-Elcott, who is pursuing a doctorate in medieval Jewish mysticism at New York University. “There is a richness and density unlike processed milk, plus there’s this complexity of flavour.”
---Advocates attribute stronger immune and better digestive systems to raw milk. Many have incorporated it into their diet as part of a broader philosophy to treat their bodies and the planet properly."

What do you think. Respond to this blog and let me know.

Monday, October 29, 2007

One more health precaution

My intent is never to scare people. However, when I read this, I realized that this is something I had never thought about? I will not drink pop and warn people of the Content but had not thought about the repercussions of drinking out of the can. I guess my view is -- everyone has free will to consume the liquid but if they chose to, they should be careful of the container itself!

This incident happened recently in Northern British Columbia .

A woman went boating one Sunday taking with her some cans of coke which she put into the refrigerator of the boat. On Monday she was taken to the hospital and placed in the Intensive Care Unit. She died on Wednesday.

The autopsy concluded she died of Leptospirosis. This was traced to the can of coke she drank from, not using a glass. Tests showed that the can was infected by dried rat urine and hence the disease Leptospirosis.

Rat urine contains toxic and deathly substances. It is highly recommended to thoroughly wash the upper part of soda cans before drinking out of them. The cans are typically stocked in warehouses and transported straight to the shops without being cleaned.

A study at UBC showed that the tops of soda cans are more contaminated than public toilets (i.e).. full of germs and bacteria. So wash them with water before putting them to the mouth to avoid any kind of fatal accident.

Please forward this message to all the people you care about.

Friday, October 26, 2007

The importance of drinking the BEST Water for us - alkaline

Ionized, Alkaline water can be the source of good health. Research shows that this is one of the key avenues to a healthy body and reversing aging and illness. It is known to oxygenating the organs, removing free radicals and flushing out poisons. So many ailments in our body come from being too acidic. In addition to reducing the acid foods we eat, we need to consume alkaline water which will help re-balance our organs.